Ontario Health Coalition Hosts Bracebridge Meeting

Ontario Health Coalition Hosts Bracebridge Meeting

Bracebridge, ON

– The Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) is hosting a meeting in Bracebridge next Tuesday, March 7th, 2023, to discuss the state of healthcare in the region. The meeting will take place at the Bracebridge Sportsplex from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Members of the OHC will be present to provide updates on current healthcare issues and to hear from local residents. “We are deeply concerned about the challenges facing our healthcare system,” said Natalie Mehra, OHC Executive Director. “This meeting is an opportunity for us to connect with the people of Bracebridge and to work together to find solutions.” The OHC is a non-profit, grassroots organization that advocates for accessible, public healthcare. The coalition has been actively involved in opposing cuts to healthcare funding and the privatization of healthcare services. “We believe that healthcare is a right, not a privilege,” said Mehra. “We are determined to fight for a healthcare system that meets the needs of all Ontarians.” Topics to be discussed at the meeting include: * The impact of healthcare cuts on Bracebridge * The privatization of healthcare services * The need for increased funding for public healthcare * The importance of community organizing The OHC encourages all residents of Bracebridge and the surrounding area to attend the meeting. “We need your voices to be heard,” said Mehra. “Together, we can make a difference.” For more information about the meeting, please visit the OHC website at www.ontariohealthcoalition.ca.

Ontario Health Coalition to Host Bracebridge Meeting

Bracebridge, ON – [Date]

– The Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) will be hosting a public meeting in Bracebridge next Tuesday to discuss the state of healthcare in the province. The meeting will be held on [Date] at [Time] at [Location]. OHC is a non-profit, grassroots organization that advocates for improved healthcare in Ontario. The organization has been critical of the provincial government’s cuts to healthcare funding, which have led to longer wait times, reduced services, and staff shortages. At the Bracebridge meeting, OHC representatives will provide an update on the current state of healthcare in Ontario and discuss the impact of the government’s cuts. They will also lead a discussion on what can be done to improve healthcare in the province. The public is invited to attend the meeting and share their thoughts and concerns about healthcare. For more information, please contact: Ontario Health Coalition [Phone Number] [Email Address]


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