Richmond, Virginia: Park Closed Due to Goose Nesting Season

Richmond Park Closes for Goose Nesting SeasonRichmond Park Closes for Goose Nesting Season Richmond, Virginia’s beloved Byrd Park has temporarily closed to the public as geese enter their nesting season. This annual closure is crucial to protect these birds and their delicate nests during this critical period. Goose nesting typically occurs from March to June, and during this time, the female geese become highly territorial and protective of their young. The park closure is intended to minimize disturbances and potential harm to the birds and their nests. Visitors are advised to avoid the closed areas within Byrd Park, including the Swan Lake area, for the duration of the closure. Park staff and volunteers will be monitoring the nesting sites and will reopen the park once the geese have successfully raised their young. “We understand that this closure may be an inconvenience to some visitors, but it is done with the best interests of our wildlife in mind,” said a park spokesperson. “By providing a safe haven for the geese during their nesting season, we can help ensure the continued well-being of these iconic birds in our community.” Residents and visitors are encouraged to observe the geese from a distance and to respect their nesting grounds. By working together, we can create a peaceful and harmonious environment for both wildlife and the public alike. For updates on the reopening of Byrd Park, please visit the city’s parks and recreation website or follow the department on social media.


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