This code represents an HTML audio element with its controls and source, followed by a short paragraph of text and two embedded stylesheets.This code represents an HTML audio element with its controls and source, followed by a short paragraph of text and two embedded stylesheets. – `

`: Opening and closing paragraph tags. – “… “: A “ element with the `itemprop=”text”` attribute, which is used for structured data to represent the main text content of the page. – `
`: Conditional code that inserts a `
` (line break) if the Internet Explorer browser version is less than 9. – “: An HTML5 “ element used to embed an audio file. – `class=”wp-audio-shortcode”`: A class attribute typically used by WordPress plugins to style embedded audio. – `id=”audio-120444-1″`: A unique ID for the audio element. – `preload=”none”`: Indicates that the audio should not be preloaded before playback starts. – `style=”width: 100%;”`: Sets the audio player’s width to 100%, making it responsive. – `controls=”controls”`: Adds playback controls to the audio player. – ``: Defines the source of the audio file. – `type=”audio/mpeg”`: Specifies the audio file’s MIME type (MPEG audio). – `src=”https://kqen.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/20240626230611/MWLGS-6-26-2024.mp3?_=1″`: The URL of the audio file. – A fallback URL is also provided, but it’s commented out. – `https://kqen.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/20240626230611/MWLGS-6-26-2024.mp3`: Alternative source for the audio file. – `

`… `

`: Another paragraph of text. – “: Inline CSS code using a `CDATA` section to define styles for an element with the ID `placement_728276_0_i`. – “: Similar inline CSS code for an element with the ID `placement_728274_0_i`.


Douglas County Waste Commissioner Mike Winters has our weekly local lawn and garden program.


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